Friday, March 25, 2011

mini company competiton :)

we went to the red cow for a mini company competition . my mini company is can-do and unfortunatly saibhdh our team mananger couldnt make it . but steph , alison and davina joined our team so we were alright. we got name tags labelled A , B and C and we had to swap them around and do diffrent actitvities . some people stay at the stand for the judeges , some people go around and look at some of the other mini companies and some people went into a room to meet others schools and discuss our compainies. we all had a really great day , sadly our company didnt win anything but other companies from or school did :D

Work Exp. :)

we did our 2nd work exp from the 7th to the 11th of march . i went to K n B music for thw week . i really really enjoyed working at K n B as I am very interested in music and would like to do something involving music when i leave school . the staff were all realy nice and friendly and i got along realii well with all of them :) i got to work at the register and with customers , i also tuned and re-strung instruments and sorted out stock . like i said before i really enjoyed working there and would highley reccomend it , however if your not interested in music it wouldnt be a good idea because you have to have a good bit of knowledge to work there . i was sad when it was over because i learned so much and got so comfortable working there , i could definaltly see myself working there in the future :)